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STK600-RCUC3C0-36 STK600-TQFP144 AT32UC3C0512 AT32UC3C0256
AT32UC3C0128 AT32UC3C064
STK600-RCUC3C1-38 STK600-TQFP100 AT32UC3C1512 AT32UC3C1256
AT32UC3C1128 AT32UC3C164
STK600-RCUC3C2-40 STK600-TQFP64-2 AT32UC3C2512 AT32UC3C2256
AT32UC3C2128 AT32UC3C264
STK600-RCUC3C0-37 STK600-TQFP144 AT32UC3C0512 AT32UC3C0256
AT32UC3C0128 AT32UC3C064
STK600-RCUC3C1-39 STK600-TQFP100 AT32UC3C1512 AT32UC3C1256
AT32UC3C1128 AT32UC3C164
STK600-RCUC3C2-41 STK600-TQFP64-2 AT32UC3C2512 AT32UC3C2256
AT32UC3C2128 AT32UC3C264
STK600-RCUC3L0-34 STK600-TQFP48 AT32UC3L064 AT32UC3L032
QT600-AT32UC3L- AT32UC3L064
Ensure the correct socket and routing card are mounted before powering on the STK600.
While the STK600 firmware ensures the socket and routing card mounted match each other
(using a table stored internally in nonvolatile memory), it cannot handle the case where
a wrong routing card is used, e. g. the routing cardSTK600-RC040M-5(which is meant
for 40-pin DIP AVRs that have an ADC, with the power supply pins in the center of the
package) was used but an ATmega8515 inserted (which uses the  industry standard pinout
with Vcc and GND at opposite corners).
Note that for devices that use the routing cardSTK600-RC008T-2, in order to use ISP
mode, the jumper forAREF0must be removed as it would otherwise block one of the ISP
signals. High-voltage serial programming can be used even with that jumper installed.
The ISP system of the STK600 contains a detection against shortcuts and other wiring
errors. AVRDUDE initiates a connection check before trying to enter ISP programming
mode, and display the result if the target is not found ready to be ISP programmed.
Chapter 5: Programmer Specific Information 36
High-voltage programming requires the target voltage to be set to at least 4.5 V in order
to work. This can be done using Terminal Mode, see Chapter 3 [Terminal Mode Operation],
page 23.
Appendix A: Platform Dependent Information 37
Appendix A Platform Dependent Information
A.1 Unix
A.1.1 Unix Installation
To build and install from the source tarball on Unix like systems:
$ gunzip -c avrdude-6.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
$ cd avrdude-6.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su root -c  make install
The default location of the install is into/usr/localso you will need to be sure that
/usr/local/binis in yourPATHenvironment variable.
If you do not have root access to your system, you can do the the following instead:
$ gunzip -c avrdude-6.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
$ cd avrdude-6.0
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
$ make
$ make install
A.1.1.1 FreeBSD Installation
AVRDUDE is installed via the FreeBSD Ports Tree as follows:
% su - root
# cd /usr/ports/devel/avrdude
# make install
If you wish to install from a pre-built package instead of the source, you can use the
following instead:
% su - root
# pkg_add -r avrdude
Of course, you must be connected to the Internet for these methods to work, since that
is where the source as well as the pre-built package is obtained.
A.1.1.2 Linux Installation
On rpm based Linux systems (such as RedHat, SUSE, Mandrake, etc), you can build and
install the rpm binaries directly from the tarball:
$ su - root
# rpmbuild -tb avrdude-6.0.tar.gz
# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/avrdude-6.0-1.i386.rpm
Note that the path to the resulting rpm package, differs from system to system. The
above example is specific to RedHat.
Appendix A: Platform Dependent Information 38
A.1.2 Unix Configuration Files
When AVRDUDE is build using the default--prefixconfigure option, the default config-
uration file for a Unix system is located at/usr/local/etc/avrdude.conf. This can be
overridden by using the-Ccommand line option. Additionally, the user s home directory is
searched for a file named.avrduderc, and if found, is used to augment the system default
configuration file.
A.1.2.1 FreeBSD Configuration Files
When AVRDUDE is installed using the FreeBSD ports system, the system configuration
file is always/usr/local/etc/avrdude.conf.
A.1.2.2 Linux Configuration Files
When AVRDUDE is installed using from an rpm package, the system configuration file will
be always be/etc/avrdude.conf.
A.1.3 Unix Port Names
The parallel and serial port device file names are system specific. The following table lists
the default names for a given system.
System Default Parallel Port Default Serial Port
FreeBSD /dev/ppi0 /dev/cuad0
Linux /dev/parport0 /dev/ttyS0
Solaris /dev/printers/0 /dev/term/a
On FreeBSD systems, AVRDUDE uses the ppi(4) interface for accessing the parallel
port and the sio(4) driver for serial port access.
On Linux systems, AVRDUDE uses the ppdev interface for accessing the parallel port
and the tty driver for serial port access.
On Solaris systems, AVRDUDE uses the ecpp(7D) driver for accessing the parallel port
and the asy(7D) driver for serial port access. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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